Are you?
Let me introduce myself, I’m Carrie. That’s me above and yes I am fiercely passionate about this thing called Tribe Life.
I have spent over a decade exploring this notion of community and have barely scrateched the surface. Living in community has become pretty popualr in the last several years but are we really doing this thing right?!?
Community - Tribe - Girl Gang - Etc. it’s all great in theory but what about in reality? And this my friends is where i am firecely passionate… The corssroads of is it worth it to stay in relationship? I have had my fair share of falling outs with friends so let me assure, from firsthand knowledge, you’re not alone.
So i’ve found my life’s calling - this - inviting people into converstaions about Tribe…. I would be remiss if I went on, without introducing you to the one human who knows me better than the rest, Joe. He’s my mate and we’ve chosen each other through the good, bad, ugly, and indifferent. We're on a journey to live fully and to be present in each moment we're given.
Welcome to the Tribe we hope you’ll pull up a chair and stay awhile.